Creating Rollover Buttons

Rollover Buttons are buttons that change appearance when someone points or hovers over them. Rollover buttons are a simple way to set up a navigational system for a web page. They can help to keep information organized and easy for users to use.

This tutorial was made with HTML and CSS in the application Dreamweaver.

To Begin

  1. The first thing you will want to do is to create a set of links in the HTML document
    by typing the following in the body of the HTML:
    1. <a href="page.html"> where page.html is the URL of the destination web page.
    2. Next, type the label text; the text that is highlighted (usually blue and underlined)
      and when you click on the label text, it will take you to the URL in step 1.
    3. Then, type </a> to close and complete the definition of the link.
    4. Last, be sure to make a few different links to use in this tutorial.


  2. We will set up the style for the links on the page.
    1. Click the New CSS Rule icon in the styles panel (which looks like a plus sign).
    2. For the selector type choose class and for the selector name choose a. Select ok.
    3. Select the attributes you want the links to have such as: font family, text-decoration,
      display, margin, padding, etc.
      • For this demonstration I used the following;
        Font: trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif
        Text-decoration: none
        Display: block
        Margin and Padding: 2px
        Width: 5em
        Color: #900


  3. In the CSS, style we will change the a:link and the a:visited selectors with
    the "initial state" of the links by adding background color or image properties.
    1. Click New CSS Rule icon in the styles panel.
    2. For the selector type choose compound and for the selector name type a:link, a:visited.
      Select ok.
    3. Select the attributes you want the links to have.
      • For this demonstration I used the following;
        Border: 2px outset #443ff3
        Background: #443ff3


  4. We can modify the colors or backgrounds slightly for the a:focus and a:hover
    selectors so that the buttons change appearance when they get the focus or are pointed at.
    1. Click New CSS Rule icon in the styles panel.
    2. For the selector type choose compound and for the selector name type a:focus, a:hover. Select ok.
    3. Select the attributes you want.
      • For this demonstration I used the following;
        Border: 2px outset #300766
        Color: black


    below is the completed CSS code for the roll over buttons that are displayed to the right

  5. If desired, select a third style for buttons when they're activated by setting the
    CSS for the a:active selector which would allow you to have the box change
    color while it is selected.
    1. Follow the same process as before in creating a CSS style.
      • For this demonstration I used the following;
        Background: #fc65e3
        Border : 2px outset #98f600
Below are some examples of Rolling Buttons and how they work.






Congratulations! Now you can create your own Rollover Buttons for your web site. This is a very simplified example, but there are numerous possibilities available for you when designing your own. For more ideas, please visit doors and see the article by Douglas Bowman on Sliding Doors of CSS.

This is a student project for USU. Feel free to visit my blog and let me know what you think Much thanks to Elizabeth Castro author of HTML, XHTML and CSS sixth edition for teaching me, through her book, the inner workings of rolling buttons.